This PDF (20 pages w/active links, 8.9 MB) contains 6 fun, hands-on art projects: supply lists, instructions, photos, and video tutorial links. These six engaging, hands-on art projects are aligned to overlapping subsets of the 2nd Grade Common Core Visual Arts Standards. Your students advance towards mastery of the full Standards by completing multiple art projects plus the included visual art activities. Working collaboratively they'll
- Envision, design and create their own, real works of art.
- Create works of art in exciting new media.
- Practice analyzing and interpreting art.
- Explore how art may be presented in both indoor and outdoor environments.
- Examine how different cultures sometimes use art.
Have fun as you guide your students through creating their own art, supported by written guidelines, photographs, fun tutorial videos and lists of commonly available art supplies. Additional visual art activities and vocabulary help empower you to lead your students to proficiency in the full Common Core Visual Arts Standards.
These projects can be scheduled at your convenience, conducted in your classroom or remotely, synchronously or asynchronously. The fun, collaborative nature of group art exploration strengthens your class's sense of community and helps alleviate "Zoom fatigue" for teachers and students alike. We all know that engagement, of both educators and learners, is a key component of effective pedagogy. This is it. Let's go!
This PDF contains active links.
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Educators Collection - 2nd Grade: Six Common Core Art Projects in PDF
- COLORFUL COLLAGES: Inspired by Beatriz Milhazes - This Brazilian artist's vivid artwork inspires students to explore abstract expression. Colors, shapes and patterns combine to create artwork that is truly more than just the sum of its parts.
- 3-D MONOCHROME - Students use tinting & shading to learn about subtle chromatic manipulation. Geometric and/or organic shapes are introduced while adding a 3-D element to their art.
- 8 PAGE DOODLE BOOK - Manipulate a single sheet of paper to make a small notebook. Use it to write a story, create a graphic novel, draw or just doodle.
- UNDER THE SEA NITE LITE - Repurposing common items and making a usable object expands students' conception of what art is and how it can be created.
- ETCHED FOIL - Etching is one our oldest means of creating a long lasting image. Students experience a very tactile way to add texture to a drawing.
- CORK DRAGONFLY - Creating art based on living creatures reinforces our connection to nature and allows us to express that connection.
If you are interested in purchasing the art supplies needed for these projects, please contact Ms. Hazel & Ms. Kate at Alameda Arts.